Friday, September 30, 2011

My Friday Fives

1. Do you apologize to your kids, if you're wrong? Since my son is still a toddler, we don't really have a chance for "arguing." But, if I overreact about something small, and it makes him cry, which in turn makes me feel guilty, I immediately apologize, get down on my knees at his level and give him hugs and kisses and make sure he knows I love him. (If he cries, as he is going to time out, because he did something wrong, that's a different story.) But, if I overreact, I definitely let him know, that Mommy is sorry.

2. Do you have a class ring, Letterman's jacket or similar obscenely priced high school "must have?" Uh... for sure! I was the first-born - so therefore was entitled to all of that, haha. Just kidding! Not about having the stuff - just about the entitlement part. (She says with that little first-born smirk. Somewhere, in Houston, my sister is saying right now, "Ugh, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!") I also had a t-shirt for EVERY.SINGLE.CLUB I was involved in my junior and senior year - thank you very much!

3. If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose? Oh, Lord, I don't even think I've reached one I would choose. My family isn't complete, yet. So, if my family was complete...we could have the financial security of...say...20 years from now (haha), but without the age...and I could have the looks I had from when I was...say...25 (woot woot!). I would pick 25, but with the money, family, wisdom and everything else from all the other parts of my life, haha. We can pick and choose, right?

4. What is your favorite (unused) baby name? Carolina Grace (Notice anything else named Carolina Grace around here?) - The name our sweet baby girl from Ethiopia will be given.

5. If you could make your child like something, what would it be? Vegetables, hands down!

1. I always feel like I'm 82 years old, but in reality, I'm 30. Haha, just kidding. I guess, I feel like my age? What does 30 feel like to you?

2. I wish my family could understand better when I tell them I miss them.

3. If you saw me when I got all gussied up, you'd think I was a total girly-girl, but if you saw me when I used to be in my Army ACU's, you'd think I was a tomboy through-and-through. *Lie* You would never think I was a tomboy. I carried a pink phone. I was a member of The Pink Army - we resided in Hawaii. :)

4. I feel like I'm in a totally different universe when I can't think of an answer to a question, so I just sit staring at my computer for a long time, and then begin to zone out...........

5. In honor of this being MFF #60... 60 months ago (exactly 5 years ago, so September 30, 2006), I lived in Hawaii (or rather was stationed there), and my life was totally different because I lived in the barracks (which was decorated bright pink with disco balls - take that barracks NCO's!); I was in a long-distance relationship with my then-boyfriend, now-husband, Eric, I wasn't a mommy, yet; life was a bit more carefree, but still strict under the Army's thumb; I can honestly say now, that I wasn't as happy then, as I am now sitting here in my cozy home, with my little family. Amen.

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