Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lessons Learned

I am linking up with Karen from Celebrate Life for this week's Lessons Learned. Here goes:

- Swiss cheese is a definite, falling-out-of-the-mouth No-Go for Mr. Toddler.

- Laundry does not like to wash itself, even if you give it plenty of time and really, really wish it to.

- No matter how much attention you give your pitiful, needy little dog, he will still try to run away every.single.chance.he.gets.

- Yelling at your dog for above reason does not make you a mean pet owner; it makes you a caring pet owner. Plus, it gets a little annoying having to cover the same hole under the same spot in the fence every.single.time.he.goes.outside.

- Dogs can be annoying.

- I love dogs.

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