Friday, August 12, 2011

URL Change Coming!

Hey All!

Within the next couple of weeks, I am going to be changing the URL of my blog. My blog will stay the same. However, you will have to update the URL address in your Reading List. Basically, you will delete themarayfamily.blogspot (not yet! I haven't switched yet!), and then add the new URL to your Reading List. Using the Manage and Add buttons under the Reading List, you can just add the new URL in there. Otherwise, my new blog postings won't show up in your Reading List. It will just look like I'm not posting anything anymore.

If you still want to enjoy the FUN over here, it will just be a quick switch. :)

Why the change? Why put my readers through the hassle? I know; it's a pain in the butt. I just would like for both my blog and Etsy shop to have the same name. That way, it's easier for people to find links to everything. With adoption fundraising and awareness, I just want it to be as simple as possible for everyone to find our pages. I hope you will make the switch with me, when the time comes.

Thanks for reading my blog! I enjoy writing it! Here's to many more blog postings!

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